Sponsorship Scheme


  The local committee sincerely hopes that the outstanding enterprises will provide sponsorship for the symposium, and the committee will provide corresponding publicity opportunities.


(1) Diamond sponsorship: RMB 150,000 yuan

²  Broadcast the enterprise propaganda video at the welcome dinner, and arrange the speech of enterprise leaders;

²  Provide sponsor LOGO link on the official website of the symposium;

²  Set up an Exhibiation area outside the main hall during the symposium;

²  Post a page of enterprise publicity on the back cover of the symposium manual

²  Put enterprise brochures in the symposium information bag

²  List the logo of the sponsors on the symposium manual and website

²  Include the registration fees for 6 participants.

(2) Gold sponsorship: RMB 100,000 yuan

² Provide sponsor LOGO link on the official website of the symposium;

²  Set up an Exhibiation area outside the main hall during the symposium;

²  Post a page of enterprise publicity on the back cover of the symposium manual

²  Put enterprise brochures in the symposium information bag

²  List the logo of the sponsors on the symposium manual and website

²  Include the registration fees for 3 participants

(3) Silver sponsorship: RMB 50,000 yuan

²  Set up an Exhibiation area outside the main hall during the symposium;

²  Post a page of enterprise publicity on the back cover of the symposium manual

²  Put enterprise brochures in the symposium information bag

²  List the logo of the sponsors on the symposium manual and website

²  Include the registration fees for 2 participants

(4) Copper sponsorship: RMB 20,000 yuan

²  Put enterprise brochures in the symposium information bag

²  List the logo of the sponsors on the symposiume manual and website

²  Include the registration fee for 1 participant